Welcome to the portal site for Pram Races where a domain name in the format yourname.pramrace.org can be created in seconds.
It will be in WordPress format which means it is simple and straightforward to edit.
If you can write an email or a Word document then you can add content to a WordPress site.
See below for more information on the options offered.

Domain name costs
Because your domain name is a sub-domain of pramrace.org no costs are incurred in creating the domain name.
WordPress creates your site in a matter of seconds so no costs are incurred in coding the site, although the choice of a premium design (theme) or creation of a bespoke theme will both incur costs.
Generic documents
Any event of this nature inevitably has related documents that need to be managed, such as entry, sponsorship, publicity and, in the case of participants under 18, parental permission.
These can be made available cost free to you as part of the website package.
Hosting costs
As a sub-domain of pramrace.org the hosting costs have already been incurred by pramrace.org, keeping the costs of your site to a minimum and making them affordable.